Thursday, September 8, 2016


Migrating over to wordpress:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

My Un Doing

I bleached my heart
Yet it still echoes of you
This old house is ripped 
I've tore it through
Yet the curse remains
and my heart beats true

Like a razor under my pillow
Dreams have become nightmares
Your pale skin untouchable
The moon atop unreachable stairs
Were I a robot flip the switch
And remove me of my cares

I prayed for you
I prayed to undo
To go back
To un hear the siren
To un see the pale blue
To un known of you.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Saturday, July 9, 2016

How does one scream across the ocean

How does one scream across the ocean
And be heard over the crashing waves?
How does one swim against the admiring swell
And not be washed out to sea?
I am silenced by the crowd of seagulls
crying "Me! Me! Me!"
I am crushed beneath the tidal
The sad storm of your eyes.
How does one essentially walk on water
To stand in calm of the storm
And swear himself to you?
My loyalty, my heart, my life, my soul.
A ghost has little hope.
Please deny me this dream
Let me sink forever into the depths
Let my heart lie in the grave of Poseidon
With the Trident as my only solace.
"As you wish" perpetually echoing...

Saturday, June 18, 2016

A Hodgepodge of Words

I stand here in the dark
Hoping for the light
Of your eyes like spotlights
Burning through the darkness
"Electric Blue Eyes"
I hear your voice
I am raptured by the siren
The sound rips my heart in two
And I hang my head
"I'm A Creep"
Across the room but
"Worlds Away"
But given the chance
I would walk
"A Thousand Miles"
"And I would walk 500 more"
Some may offer many things
Many things I do not have
But I can offer loyalty
And utter devotion
"Someone To Fall Back On"
And words, I have my words...
And maybe some borrowed
"I'd lasso the moon and pull it right down"

I am a ghost
"I Am Robot"
"Press the button
Let me live!"

Monday, April 11, 2016


I am a ghost
Trapped in this human host
It will never tell word of what I feel inside
And always in this shell will I hide
For I fear the world will laugh
When I expose my greater half.

by Gabriel Wayne Long
Copyright © 2006

Note from author: Poem was originally written in 1992-93. It survived only by memory as I have twice scrapped my writings. I believe its original form was a sonnet but I was only able to recall what you see here by the rhymes. The fact it is the only piece I am able to recall demonstrates its truth to me.

I Stand in Awe

No roll of dice
No coincidence
I stand in awe
Of Your design
I stand in awe
The pattern divine

by Gabriel Wayne Long
Copyright © 2010

Just here singing in my car

Just here singing in my car
Even though you are so far
I'm just here singing
Your voice of love is ringing
In my ear
Oh, cant you hear
Just singing in my car

On the other side of the planet
Can my voice be a magnet
and pull you to me
Oh, can you hear me
Just here singing in my car...

by Gabriel Wayne Long
 Copyright © 2016