Monday, April 11, 2016


I am a ghost
Trapped in this human host
It will never tell word of what I feel inside
And always in this shell will I hide
For I fear the world will laugh
When I expose my greater half.

by Gabriel Wayne Long
Copyright © 2006

Note from author: Poem was originally written in 1992-93. It survived only by memory as I have twice scrapped my writings. I believe its original form was a sonnet but I was only able to recall what you see here by the rhymes. The fact it is the only piece I am able to recall demonstrates its truth to me.

I Stand in Awe

No roll of dice
No coincidence
I stand in awe
Of Your design
I stand in awe
The pattern divine

by Gabriel Wayne Long
Copyright © 2010

Just here singing in my car

Just here singing in my car
Even though you are so far
I'm just here singing
Your voice of love is ringing
In my ear
Oh, cant you hear
Just singing in my car

On the other side of the planet
Can my voice be a magnet
and pull you to me
Oh, can you hear me
Just here singing in my car...

by Gabriel Wayne Long
 Copyright © 2016